We hope you all have enjoyed the demo we threw together of Sweet Love! (If not go download it now!) If that song proves to be liked enough we'll go ahead and record a "real" version of it!
We have a few updates to share:
Continuing Recording
After a small break due to colds and life stuff, we're back to recording. I've got half of an old-school-sounding punk song that I'm planning to finish off recording this evening to send away to Steve. Steve has plans to get some vocals and other tings started in the next week as well, so we are moving full ahead!
Cover Songs
How do you guys feel about cover songs? Steve and I pretty much have settled on a couple we'd like to do for fun while we're recording this other stuff. Just letting you know so you have something to look forward to...they won't be officially released or anything. At least we don't think they will. They'll just be free downloads here like the Sweet Love demo was, but ... they will be better than demo quality!
We're on YouTube!
I don't know if you were aware but we have some stuff on YouTube. It's actually where we have the most views so it's a great way to share songs with your friends. Check out the Goodbye California video off the original Born Yesterday release. FYI we have some plans to put up some better video. This one is basically just the photos out of our myspace profile as the song plays.
That's all for now. See you next time!