Hello Otisburg fans!
Steve here. I know it has been a while since we have posted an update and many of you seem to be wondering what is going on with Otisburg.
Well, we have not completely disappeared but at the same time both Scott and I have a lot of other things on our plate and aren't the greatest at keeping this site updated.
That being said, the long-awaited follow up to Born Yesterday is still forthcoming. Still unsure of the date. Almost all of the basic tracks for the CD have been recorded so the initial recording stage is nearly complete. Once the basic tracks are completed, the mixing process will begin and then the mastering. After that, we will have a much better idea of when the CD will be released.
On another note, you can keep track of Otisburg updates as they come in on the various social media platforms that we are on. Here are some links to those websites so you can "join" "like" "follow" "become a fan" or do whatever the site allows you to do to show that you are fans of Otisburg.
As always, stay tuned for further details!